The Heartfelt Prayer of Brokenness by The Bondservant of Christ John

In the spiritual journey of faith, there are moments when we feel stuck, lost, or unsure of our path. This was my experience until I came across Pastor John. Let me share the story of how one encounter changed my life.

My Spiritual Struggles

For years, I had been a devout Christian, attending church regularly. However, I hit a wall—a point where my prayers seemed unanswered, and I felt like I was being attacked by forces I couldn’t understand. My faith was wavering, and I began questioning myself. Was it something I was doing wrong? Despite these doubts, I continued to seek God, crying out for a breakthrough.

Discovering Pastor John

One day, while scrolling through YouTube, I stumbled upon a video featuring Pastor John. As soon as I started watching, something clicked. It was as if I had known him for years, though this was my first time seeing him. The 23-minute video gripped me, and I felt a deep spiritual connection. I had to learn more.

From that moment, I immersed myself in his teachings, watching hours of his videos and studying everything I could find. Pastor John’s messages stirred something inside me, and I became determined to meet him. A vision came to me where I saw myself meeting him, and I knew it wasn’t just a dream—it was something that would happen.

The Journey to Meet Pastor John

I began making plans to travel to South Africa, where he was based. I applied for a passport and researched flights. Then, something miraculous happened. While I was at my office one day, I opened Pastor John’s YouTube channel and saw an announcement—he was coming to Atlanta, Georgia. The excitement was overwhelming. I immediately bought tickets, booked a hotel, and told my wife we were going.

Despite facing a few challenges on our way to the conference—like two car accidents—we arrived safely. When we entered the venue, we were met with a crowd of thousands. Yet, from the start, I felt like I was exactly where I needed to be.

A Spiritual Shift

At the conference, Pastor John took the stage, and I knew something significant was about to happen. Even though the event wasn’t focused on healing or deliverance, when Pastor John walked past me, he stopped. Standing before me, I could feel a powerful presence behind him, like a giant. As I raised my hands in reverence, he instructed me to do it differently, and in that moment, I felt the Spirit of the Lord flow into me.

When Pastor John touched me, it was as if I left my body. I saw a bright light, and suddenly, I began speaking in tongues—a language I had never spoken before. It was a transformative experience. That night, I had a vision where the Lord showed me three bodies—the physical body, the spirit, and the soul. He explained to me the nature of the three-dimensional man, something I had never understood before.

Time Travel and Healing Generations

In a powerful moment of prayer, I found myself traveling back in time. Pastor John appeared in my vision, and together, we entered a portal that took me to a hospital room in 1996, where my father lay dying. There, I saw two contracts on his lap. As I looked at them, my father’s name began to fade, and mine appeared in its place, written in blood. I witnessed the moment of my father’s passing, and with Pastor John’s guidance, I realized that a generational curse had been broken.

This experience was beyond anything I could explain. When I spoke to Pastor John about it later, he confirmed that the altar and throne of my family had been signed over to me, lifting a heavy burden that had weighed on my family for years.

Continued Spiritual Growth

Since that day, my life has been filled with fresh spiritual fire. I’ve experienced immense growth, both in my prayer life and my understanding of spiritual warfare. Pastor John’s teachings on genetics, spiritual warfare, and deliverance from demonic influences have opened my eyes to new dimensions of faith.

My journey of faith continues to evolve, and I’m eternally grateful for that one encounter that shifted everything. Pastor John’s ministry has brought a fresh anointing into my life, and I look forward to what God has in store for the future.


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